I was reading this article entitled "Inflammation in the molecular pathogenesis of cancer and artherosclerosis" on the journal Reumatologia Clinica, and guess what I discovered?! I found out that 20% of chronic inflammation will develop into cancer because it supports the different stages of cancer development which are - initiation, promotion and progression. How it happens is that there will be development of chronic inflammed tissue from an acute one then, there will be maturation of chronic inflammation which includes build-up of new blood vessels, destruction of the old tissue and assembly of a new tissue. Finally, development of cancer cells will take place from the chronic inflamed tissue =(
As for me, I've been having a chronic inflammation of juvenile onset rheumatoid arthritis ( started when I was 12 years old) Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!! Which means I've been living with inflammation for almost 2 decades so I might die of leukemia or maybe bone cancer soon! unless... I do something today! That is, eat well. No more beans, internal organs, sea foods etc. To add, maybe I should keep on doing boxing and visiting the gym. "Sayang, may yummy alamang pa naman sana ang ulam mamyang gabi".