HHHhhmmm I notice that even established professionals fail to know that there has been a program on Adverse Drug Reaction Monitoring since 2009. This project had its pilot at Davao when it first started (of course, it is functional now in NCR), the program is called "Bantay Gamot" and it has an ADR form of the same name available in participating drugstores like Mercury Drug, Watson's, Southstar Drug etc. which we can ask for as consumers should we have some concerns or doubts regarding the healthcare product we bought.
We can fill this form out with our concern then the drugstore pharmacist will notify FDA to pick-up the report or to make our lives more convenient, we can do direct reporting by calling 807-8275, texting 09092080500 or email at
ireport@bfad.gov.ph. I know its so second rate trying hard copycat, ireport is a US program but at least we have one.
Best part is, because of this program there has been concerns from the customers which are given attention, among these are: 1.) Death of a 15 year old boy being associated to unlabeled herbal capsule, 2.) Selling of counterfeit medicines, 3.) A patient was admitted in the hospital after taking few sachets of slimming coffee, and 4.) Government hospital in the province selling drugs INSIDE the operating room!