Saturday, May 22, 2010


I was thinking of writing about early today on how this Ray Parker, Jr. song has been haunting me like in the early morning I hear it and in the afternoon I hear this same song but I'm not gonna tell you though which song (its cheesy) so I played it on you tube and OMG its got a very funny home-made video LOL so I even fell inlove with it the more. The thing is, it speaks to me in a weird way and I SERIOUSLY pray to God that this is not limerence, stupidity or worst, I might be transforming into the Darkside from Anakin Hekhekehek..
But I need to attend a rehearsal at Repertory Philippines where I am currently grilled for not doing my part well (hehehe) so I forgot about Ray and of course, its better to forget Ray! Thanks to the pressure from Ms. Ana (the Director) and to my ever supportive friends who has been helping me out to act and sing my part well that Ray is history. Sana tuloy na tuloy na itong paglimot Lord kung sakaling dapat limutin kasi pagod na talaga ako, para naman sumaya naman ako minsan na walang gumugulo sa isip. Sana side-effect na lang 'to ng gamot at least 'yun walang deeper reason.

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