As a Clinical Specialist Pharmacist, I work at night shifts to process coverage review criteria. The Managed Care industry is a good opportunity for me since not all Pharmacists in the Philippines are given the opportunity to work in a practice unknown to national healthcare.
As a Regulatory Affairs Consultant, I deal with Regulatory issues of the Pharmaceutical industry in the fields of Drugs, Food, Medical Device, Cosmetics and Household Hazardous Substances in business areas as Manufacturing, Trade, Import and Distribution. This job demands management skills and confidence and I am coping everyday.
As a Pharmacy Instructor at National University, I spend a lot of time doing lectures, making exams, computing grades, developing the curriculum and guiding the students with their laboratory experiments. Its tough! Life is tough!
Then I watched The Princess & The Red Carp this weekend. It is a Cinderella version of the east and believed to be the original story where Yeh Hsien (Cinderella) said amidst the cruelty of her step mother and step sisters: "Why should I complain? things could be worst, at least I am able to eat 3 times a day and I have a roof on my head!" It made me realize how we never get to appreciate our blessings!
PS: Even though most of the actors are not really good but I truly loved the story and I still prefer it over the other recent shows as Xanadu and Shock Value.
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